DYFAMED Time Series

DYFAMED data from 1991 to 2013


This database contains all data acquired from 1991 to 2013 at the DYFAMED site (43°25N, 7°52E). It includes the present core parameters (CTD, O2, nutrients, AT-CT, pigments, particles flux) and the data archive (primary production, pCO2, bacteria, plankton, benthos).

The DYFAMED data regroups:

- CTD profiles and bottles sampling (monthly). CTD profiles are available in the SISMER database

- mooring data (CTD, currents and particles flux). They are available in the OceanSites database

This a free and open data access (OceanSites/FIXO3 policy). If you want to publish these data, please send the submitted paper here and please cite this reference: "The DYFAMED time series have been provided by the Oceanological Observatory of Villefranche-sur-Mer (L.Coppola). This project is funded by CNRS-INSU and ALLENVI through the MOOSE observing network"

Funding projects: EUROSITES (grant 202955), MOOSE, EMSO and FIXO3 (grant 312463).



For more information about the site, go to the DYFAMED web page and the MOOSE web site


  • The entire database is under construction. It will be available soon. Thank you for your understanding.
  • For requesting data, send an email here


Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer (OOV)